How Can You Check If A Vehicle Has Been Written Off?

Check The Written-off Vehicle

Buying a written-off vehicle? Have you checked the written-off vehicle register (WOVR)? If the answer is no, then you are in danger zone. What if the vehicle found stolen later or have some money owing on it? This will lead to loss of the both vehicle and the money you have paid on it.

Buying a vehicle that has not been officially registered written off costs you fortune or that would break the bank!! That’s why to be calm and make the right choice by spending a few minutes on checking its written off register. Team Car Cashiers recommend you to please check the Rego and Personal Property Securities Register before buying any car.

What is Written-Off Vehicle Registration?

Written-off vehicle registration national initiative designed to overcome the roadblocks of rebirthing the vehicles. Rebirthing – This term indication of giving a new identity to damaged/ stolen vehicles that are bought at auctions, dealers, wreckers, or anywhere else. Professionals thieves stole the vehicles either for auto parts or re-birthed under new identities. The motive of Written-off vehicle registration is to reduce the risk of illegal activity in terms of vehicles.

The insurance companies, dealers, and wreckers who repair or write off the vehicle notify the state government, appropriate state, government authority. The information supplied by them is recorded in WOVR and that can be accessed by the one who is buying the vehicle. It only includes cars, motorcycles, caravans, and motorcycles only up to 15 years old.

What are Written-off vehicles?

A vehicle is considered as written-off if it’s repair cost touch sky or more than the worth of the vehicle. In other words, when the car is no longer roadworthy and unsafe to drive. There are two categories of write-off vehicles i.e. Statutory and Repairable write-offs.

What are Statutory Write-offs Vehicles?

Statutory write-offs vehicles are those that have been damaged in floods, accidents or fire. That means it is beyond repair and become roadworthy again. Statutory write-offs vehicles are only available for wreckers for dismantling, recycling, and dispose of. You can never repair it and drive on the road again.

If SWOV is offered for auction then, it should be with the following label-

Statutory write off… Warning.!! This vehicle cannot be registered. It is only Suitable for parts/dismantling to wreckers or car removal companies. The vehicle identification number (VIN) has been cancelled.
This label should be clearly available to the reader from distance of 2m!!

What makes a Vehicle Repairable Write-Off?

A vehicle is considered to be a repairable write-off when it’s both salvage value and cost of repair costs fortune or exceed the market value of the vehicle.

Luckily, a deemed write-off car can become roadworthy again through repairing when it is being repaired as per the standards or rules of manufactures. Unfortunately, an old/used vehicle may be considered write-off due to more repairing costs than it’s worth.

How do I know if a car has been written-off and repaired?

In NSW when the vehicle is declared safe on the roads or become roadworthy again then, it is added as written-off in the vehicle’s certificate of registration.

Why is it essential to know that car has been write- off?

With the national write-off register, you can be certain that you are not accepting a vehicle that has been proclaimed written-off. But you are not aware of the facts that whether the vehicle is accepted and checked by state authority. Moreover, these written-off cars have a lot of effect on its value. And it is obvious that a car deemed to be written can’t be sold easily. Furthermore, this car has to pass lots of tests and fully repair to become roadworthy again. In order not to lose your high money and vehicle, one must know the weather car is written off register or not.

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